Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Track Listing
  1. A song For Mama -Boys II Men
  2. Call Me - Blackstreet
  3. I Care 'Bout You - Milestone
  4. IWhat About Us - Total
  5. Don't Stop What You're Doing -Puff Daddy
  6. We're Not Making Love No More - Dru Hill
  7. Baby I - Tenderoni
  8. Let's Do It Again- Xscape
  9. In Due Time -- Outkast
  10. Slow Jam - Monica & Usher
  11. Boys and Girls - Tony, Toni, Tone
  12. You are the Man - EnVogue
  13. September - Earth, Wind & Fire

    No R&B Soundtrack has yet to compete.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Stockholm, Sweden. December 10, 2020.

Good Evening,

Genuine. Selfless. Passionate. Strong. Janelle Mungo.

If you are looking for a quality human being with wit that is unmatched then your Google search would find this image.

My love affair with Janelle began in the fall of 2008 at UC: Santa Barbara. Working together as Resident Assistants I was quickly drawn to her personality and recognized that she would give it to you real regardless the hour.

She has developed a unique relationship between drive and passion. Where her visage never deterred hope, as she would take on fight after fight cause after cause even if it meant sacrificing some sleep or a meal or two.

One of my fondest memories of Janelle goes back to when we were walking down a street in Isla Vista. Janelle, two mutual friends and myself were approached by a random group of men and preceded to catcall. In response, she was cordial and let the guys down easy. However, they were determined. Sensing a rise in tension, I quickly walked over to one of them.

"Dude I think you may want to stop."

"Why don't you let the lady speak for herself?"

"Man, I'm not trying to speak for anyone I am just trying to save you from an ass beating from her."

At that moment the guys stopped.

You see Janelle is not a force to be reckoned with. If they were to have continued, I am sure they would of received a physical and verbal whooping. And believe you me, she could do it.

She is a strong person in every aspect that I can fathom. Genuinely true to herself, her causes and her peers. She inspires everyone she comes into contact with including myself, making me want and strive to be a better individual.

She is genius in her ways and wise within tact. With her work at UCSB, GetEQUAL DC, Operation Shine America and countless other non-profits including her own. Tantamount success oozes from her resume.

Janelle, I must speak for everyone in saying that we are so proud of the work that you have done, the lives you have touched and constant beautiful person that you are. Thank you.

I am shocked to be the lucky one to present this award out of the legions of people you know. Regardless, I am overjoyed to have the distinct honor to present Janelle Mungo the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.


Friday, June 17, 2011

[ kúvvər ]

[ gángstər ]

kinda my life.. lol

[ kə myni káysh'n ]

Communication is key. Alright I admit it. From shopping signs to texting we are all trying our best to connect with one another. Even the words I type on [kyoo] are a semblance of connectivity.

When it comes to work I strive at communication emailing swiftly and carbon copy with clarity. However, within my personal life, well, lets say if you text me – I wouldn't expect a reply until next January. The delay is partly due to my phone forever on silent and also my ADD.

It's just the balance of me, where I work is efficient and the social well not so much. I am trying harder however. One step is that my phone is not on silent anymore. Maybe because work has ended for the school year that I switch the regards. Nonetheless, I am doing my best to build on the social.

[ páwrtəb'l ]

How did we even function 20 years ago?

[ grə ftee ]

Why is it illegal?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

[ gōl ]

"Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to."
-John Ed Pearce

I have one sole goal. Currently it is not my top priority about my end profession and honestly I maybe a freelance artist/stay at home Dad; which to me sounds fairly rewarding.

Growing up my family moved around so much that I never had a true feeling of home. Almost as clock-work it seemed that every 2-3 years I would be in a new environment; probably why I try to stay as stable as I can nowadays. I want a house a place where no one can kick me out.

A place that I can personally alter to my needs. A shelter away from responsibility where my wife and I can relax and raise a family. Home.

[ līf ]

about a year ago.

[ bk ]

Now I know what to do with all my books.


[ shaark ]

There are certain things I like about the beach. Sand in my crotch, infinite amounts of children and of course sharp obstructions in the sand. Don't get me wrong I love the beach but more-so from a distance where I can remain clean. Nonetheless, here in sunny Santa Barbara, California I find a explicit joy in the cold waters. Two years ago, I would dramatically draw attention to on goers as I whipped the sea in my multi-colored Speedo and gargantuan afro. Seizing a culture shock to whoever noticed. Currently, hair gone and swim suit a little more flowing, I find myself altered as dust accumulates on my surfboard. Why one might ask?

Around October headlines flared, "Shark Claims Life of UCSB Student". At that moment my phone cried with woes from Mother and Aunts declaring that I stop surfing. Naturally being one to often defy the rules I would have an urge to go out and take caution to the wind. However, with matters of possible life and death, I like to stick with the former. Albeit the shark attack some 45 miles north near Vanderberg Airforce Base and the Santa Barbara shores protected by a channel. I did not want to take the chance.

Now, some eight months later, I feel ready to oblige the sea. Maybe the Shark(s) will be at bay or maybe they are full and searching for another tasty treat. If I don't post tomorrow, well..


[ gíltee ]

Serious guilty pleasure:

[ in vrənmənt ]

[ dōp ]


[kən sístənssee]

"Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are dead."

- Aldous Huxley

Such words are hard to take. To make a genuine impact, consistency must be the backbone of every human. Whether at work or play answering emails or simply out to drinks consistency is the forbear idiom to success.

My upbringing was structured focused around Jesus as I would go to private school for weekdays and church on Sabbath. This was a constant that was ingrained in me so that I am always judging my characteristics on a basis of a biblical moral compass. Now, I am not here to preach and I will leave that to the designated clergy. However, what must be noted is the nature of the figures within my life. Mother, without fail, would constantly uphold that consistency in a balance as a child that naturally I would aggressively combat. But it was that balance that got me here today. Granted I am only a college graduate but her work set a standard regimen to my status. At least to my well being and I guess here on campus.

Consistency has a couple of good friends, perseverance, practice and passion. The P's come versatile due to our nature as humans wanting such quick results for items that may not come so quickly. For example: Consider the young child striving to play the violin. Yes, his notes are scratchy, off key, and ear wrenching for the grumpy older brother. However, insert the P's and in due time that young boy maybe the 1st violinist at Julliard. Damn, I should have stuck with it; Instead, drawing city-scapes and studying maps, nerdy, but a passion that has remained consistent. And we will see where that takes me.

I get what Huxley is saying that it is truly difficult to be completely consistent. However, I believe that if you remain consistent in what you love. Well, you will find a boundless spree of joy. The sole task is just taking the time to find it. We will see if Cue will follow suit.