There are certain things I like about the beach. Sand in my crotch, infinite amounts of children and of course sharp obstructions in the sand. Don't get me wrong I love the beach but more-so from a distance where I can remain clean. Nonetheless, here in sunny Santa Barbara, California I find a explicit joy in the cold waters. Two years ago, I would dramatically draw attention to on goers as I whipped the sea in my multi-colored Speedo and gargantuan afro. Seizing a culture shock to whoever noticed. Currently, hair gone and swim suit a little more flowing, I find myself altered as dust accumulates on my surfboard. Why one might ask?
Around October headlines flared, "Shark Claims Life of UCSB Student". At that moment my phone cried with woes from Mother and Aunts declaring that I stop surfing. Naturally being one to often defy the rules I would have an urge to go out and take caution to the wind. However, with matters of possible life and death, I like to stick with the former. Albeit the shark attack some 45 miles north near Vanderberg Airforce Base and the Santa Barbara shores protected by a channel. I did not want to take the chance.
Now, some eight months later, I feel ready to oblige the sea. Maybe the Shark(s) will be at bay or maybe they are full and searching for another tasty treat. If I don't post tomorrow, well..
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